Transplant and Medical Transport and Medical Training Services across the UK

Duty of Candour and Complaints

At IMT Medical Transport Limited, we have a culture of openness, honesty and transparency in all we do.

Occasionally, people in our care may be involved in a safety incident. A small number of these incidents could cause harm. When things go wrong, we have a duty to inform our patients and their families what has happened. This is very much part of our culture.

We are committed to talking to patients and their carers at a very early stage to understand what happened and, where necessary, learn the lessons that will prevent it happening again to improve the safety of our future patients.

Involving and informing you

If something happens, we will investigate the incident and:

Ask how much the patient and their relatives or carers wish to be involved in the investigation process.
Talk to the staff involved in the patient’s care.
Identify the cause(s) of the incident.
Share our findings with the patient, their family or carers.
Share learning and improvements across the Company.
Let the patient and their family or carers ask any questions.

A member of our compliance team will meet with the patient to talk to them about what went wrong; this will usually be our compliance lead along with a director of the company. The patient’s family or a friend can attend this meeting and be part of these conversations.

The level of investigation we do will depend on the seriousness of the incident and may take up to 45 working days (nine weeks). We will keep the patient and their family informed of our progress along the way.

If you have any questions or want to raise a concern with the Company, then please contact us at: or call us on: 0151 449 3710 or 01724 500 882.

Feedback and Compliments.

We also welcome feedback from patients and members of the public, whether it is to say ‘thank you’ for a positive experience, or if there’s something that we need to get better at. We use this feedback to help us improve our service. IMT have a dedicated compliance team to deal with Patient Advice, Compliments, Formal Complaints and Patient Experience.

When we receive communication from patients and their families, expressing thanks for the care received from our staff. We always pass this feedback onto our staff, who appreciate the compliments provided. Please use the contact details above if you would like to get in touch to share a compliment.

You can contact our compliance team on: 0151 499 3710 or 01724 500 882 or e-mail us at: Or you can write to us at:

IMT Medical Transport Limited – Compliance Team
Number One Link Road Depot
Link Road
L36 6AP

We can take your calls throughout 24/7 or our compliance team will collect e-mails and post during office hours of 08:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, please call us. Our compliance team will treat all correspondence in a confidential manner, listening to and supporting your feedback or concern.

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014

Regulation 20, ensures that providers are open and transparent with people who use services and other ‘relevant persons’ (people acting lawfully on their behalf) in general in relation to care and treatment. It also sets out some specific requirements that providers must follow when things go wrong with care and treatment, including informing people about the incident, providing reasonable support, providing truthful information and an apology when things go wrong.

To see the regulation please follow this link: